Big Data come with Big Opportunities

15 maggio 2017

The amount of data generated and accessible in every activity is growing and updating constantly. There are plenty examples of daily usage of big data in Internet related companies, including search engines, such as Google, and e-commerce, like Zalando or Amazon.
The energy related industry generates a huge amount of data that needs intelligent solutions for new products and initiatives based on data analytics for utilities and consumers.
As we are no longer watching 2020 as the far landscape background for the future, but as a short term reality, we have to raise our sight and look forward to 2030 and start thinking in how the big data related projects are going to fit and evolve.

From planning maintenance years in advance knowing data about trees growing near infrastructures, to reducing end users utility energy use and budget analyzing consumption trends, there is a growing demand of startups with the vision to develop disruptive innovation

Are you part of an startup working on big data? Apply to the E-Qube Startup Challenge for a chance to win up to 30.000 euro and cooperate with Estra SPA, one of the leading multi-utility companies in the energy sector in Italy with more than a million customers.